Author Spotlight: Elizabeth Maxwell reveals her #literaryconfessions

author spotlight

So yesterday, I had Elizabeth Maxwell at the bloggy-blog chit-chatting about Sadie, the cover of HAPPILY EVER AFTER, and much more. Today, though, we’re going to be all relaxed (think fluffy bunny slippers relaxed) chatting about Elizabeth’s #literaryconfessions, fav books, and other things! Continue reading

Author Spotlight: Ariel Lawhon, author of THE WIFE, THE MAID, & THE MISTRESS

author spotlight

Today, Ariel is back- revealing her #literarycrush and the character she would most like to be. Plus tons of other things  🙂  Continue reading

Author Spotlight: Adria J. Cimino, author of Paris, Rue des Martyrs

author spotlight

Today, Adria J. Cimino stops by and we learn a bit more about her- as the woman behind the book. You might remember Adria first appearing on Traveling With T as part of the cover reveal for Paris, Rue des Martyrs.

In today’s author spotlight- we’ll learn about Adria’s favorite books & her #literarycrush. Be sure and check back Thursday for the Author Interview- where Adria tells us all about Paris, Rue des Martyrs!

Author Spotlight: Adria J. Cimino

Adria, what are your Top 3 Favorite Books of all time?

Such a difficult question, but these three are always quite near the top…

The Great Gatsby

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Master and Margarita


If you could be best friends with a character in a book, who would you pick? And why?

Idgie of Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café because she is loyal, compassionate and strong.


Do you have any #literaryconfessions?

As a journalist, I interviewed John Updike — but I hadn’t read his books. Oops! To make it a little bit less embarrassing, it was a very last-minute assignment.


Do you have a #literarycrush?

Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights


What is your favorite color?

Purple, just like my mom. And now my little girl loves purple too. I think it’s hereditary!


What is your favorite opening line to a book?

It’s actually an opening paragraph so I hope this counts. From The Lover by Marguerite Duras:

One day, I was already old, in the entrance of a public place a man came up to me. He introduced himself and said, “I’ve known you for years. Everyone says you were beautiful when you were young, but I want to tell you I think you’re more beautiful now than then. Rather than your face as a young woman, I prefer your face as it is now. Ravaged.”

What is your favorite food?

Home-made pasta (made by my grandma years ago and my husband today)

Paris Rue des Martyrs FB

Photo Credit: Author Provided


*Thank you Adria for answering these questions and letting us know a bit more about you!


adria J. Cimino

Photo Credit: Author Provided


Adria J. Cimino lives in Paris and enjoys sharing her adventures in the city and thoughts about the writing life in her blog “Adria in Paris.”


Previously, she worked as a journalist for more than a decade at news organizations including the Associated Press and Bloomberg News.


Adria, who grew up in the sunshine, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of South Florida.


“Paris, Rue des Martyrs” is her first novel.


Happy Reading and Bookishly Yours,

T @ Traveling With T

T Traveling With T pic sign off



Bloggers Made of AWESOME: Shannon @ River City Reading

bloggers made of awesome

Shannon at River City Reading is a blogger I noticed as she was interacting with 2 bloggers who I totally respect and admire. Seeing Shannon interacting with them gave me a good feeling about her- and I have not been disappointed! Her blog is smart- it’s a blog I can sit and read for hours.


Bloggers Made of AWESOME: Shannon at River City Reading

Shannon- when did you begin blogging?

February 2013, so I’m still just a baby blogger.


How did you come up with the name River City Reading?

I wanted to make a connection to Richmond, VA, the city I live in and love. Richmond calls itself the River City – so River City Reading was born!


What are your thoughts on blogging today in an ever-changing book-ish world? Are blogs helping other readers connect with good books?

Sometimes I wonder if my reviews are only reaching other bloggers or if they actually get to the more casual reader, but every once in a while there will be a great confirmation that I am helping to connect a reader with a book.


When you are not blogging (or reading!)- what do you like to do?

Working, reading and blogging definitely take up a big chunk of my time, but the rest of it goes to spending time with my husband and dog.


Do you have any #literaryconfessions?

I’m incredibly guilty of judging books by their covers. I’m very easily won over by pretty covers and can just as easily turn down a good book with a bad one.


Do you have a #literarycrush?

I don’t find myself crushing on characters, but every once in a while I’ll get a little swoony over an author!


What books are you looking forward to reading in 2014?

I’m really excited about The Last Days of California by Mary Miller, Careless People by Sarah Churchwell and The Quick by Lauren Owen.


In your opinion, what book has been the best book you have read  in 2013?

Definitely The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I’m still thinking about those characters and feeling jealous of everyone else who gets to read the novel for the first time.


You have a beach vacation planned. What are the 3 books that you must bring?

Cheryl Strayed’s Tiny Beautiful Things and two new books. I very rarely re-read, except for the books I’m constantly dipping in and out of like Strayed’s advice columns.


Are you an e-book or tree book lover? Or does it not matter?

I love both equally! I usually have one book of each type going at the same time.


What has been your most liked (or shared) blog post? Why do you think it was so popular?

Book Blogging Survey Results We had so many people participate in the survey and it was just a topic that piqued so many interests.


If you could have dinner with any author (dead or alive) who would you pick? And why?

George R.R. Martin, because I totally want to pick his brain about EVERYTHING related to A Song of Ice and Fire. Did you think I would pick someone highbrow? I’m going for practicality. There are things I need to know.


Shannon, what genre is your favorite?

General contemporary fiction, but I have a soft spot for Southern fiction (specifically Southern Gothic)


As a blogger, what advice would you give to a new blogger or a person who wants to begin blogging?

I still feel too green to be giving much advice, but I would encourage everyone starting out with book blogging to jump right into the community as quickly as possible. Comment and participate without comparing yourself to others too much and you’ll realize how fun and supportive everyone can be.


Want to connect with Shannon? Visit her blog, Twitter, Goodreads, Facebook and follow her on Bloglovin!

Bloggers Made of AWESOME: Lisa @ Books in the Burbs

bloggers made of awesome

Lisa and I are relatively new Twitter buddies. We started chatting some in 2013, talking about blogger things, why our Netgalley approval rating wasn’t at 80%, and more. Lisa is fun and charming- and her blog is cute as a button.



Bloggers Made of AWESOME: Lisa @ Books in the Burbs

Lisa- when did you begin blogging?

I started blogging in December, 2010. It’s hard to believe that I have been blogging over  3 years!!


How did you come up with the name Books in the Burbs?

I wanted a name that reflected who I was and what the blog was about. Living in the suburbs means different things for people, but for me, as a woman-it means to me: married, busy mom, kids, driving kids to their activities, minivan, dogs, etc. So, I thought it was a good word to use. I love books, so I started playing with it, and it evolved into: Books in the Burbs.

What are your thoughts on blogging today in an ever-changing book-ish world? Are blogs helping other readers connect with good books?

In the 3 years that I’ve been blogging, I have noticed a huge change in the world of books!! Before, to read a review about a book, readers were limited to print reviews in magazines. However, with the internet, readers have turned to everyday people, who blog their opinions on books read. Bloggers don’t have to be politically correct or cautious about what they write, because their job isn’t at stake over a bad review. There is a high level of trust between bloggers and their readers, and the reading world is taking notice.

Bloggers have the opportunity to connect authors with readers, without having to travel anywhere. Authors and readers can connect via Twitter parties, FB chats, interviews, and guest spots. It’s a fantastic way for authors and readers to connect in ways that weren’t always possible before blogging.



When you are not blogging (or reading!)- what do you like to do?

I usually have non-reading time when my daughter is at school, so this gives me an opportunity to meet up with friends for lunch, shopping, and getting manicures/pedicures (which I love!). It’s also my time to connect with close friends and family, because I find that human connection is so important to me! I think my kids would agree, as they get snuggle attacks when they get home from school!

Do you have any #literaryconfessions?

What?!? You haven’t read Pride & Prejudice???? I LOVE that book!!! I’m a huge Jane Austen fan, so that’s a book that is a must read for everyone! LOL! My literary confession would be that I haven’t read any Harry Potter books, even though people rave about the books. I don’t have any desire or interest in them, so it’s not a series I have even considered reading.

Do you have a #literarycrush?

Mr. Darcy, of course! He’s the romantic character that charms Ms. Elizabeth Bennet in Pride & Prejudice. See…you have to read the book! 😉


What books are you looking forward to reading in 2014?

Oh, there are so many great books that are continuously being released. I love Sarah Jio’s writing and am looking forward to her book, Goodnight June. I’m also a huge fan of Julie Klassen and can’t wait to read: The Dancing Master. There are a few more, so I’m really excited about 2014!



In your opinion, what book has been the best book you have read in 2013?

Oh, that is sooo hard!! Because of the different genres I read, it’s hard to just pick one. The first one that comes to mind is: The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty. It’s not very often that I carry a book with me to the dinner table, but with that one, I just couldn’t put it down. Then, after I finished the book, I had to reread the last couple of chapters!! It was a storyline that stayed with me for days!

You have a beach vacation planned. What are the 3 books that you must bring?

1. Definitely the Holy Bible-NLT version. I don’t know why, but I always carry it with me on vacation. Opening it up and reading verses just lets me know I’m not alone and His peace covers me.

2. Anything Jane Austen. She’s my go to author and I love reading her books when I’m in a reading slump.

3. Anything that I’m needing to write a book review for that month! LOL! I’ve got to keep my reading up, even when I’m on vacation! 😉

Are you an e-book or tree book lover? Or does it not matter?

I’m definitely an e-book lover! I love the Nook Glowlight and Kindle Paperwhite because the backlight is not as harsh as the ipad. AND-the charge holds for a very long time. With the amount of reading I do, I have to charge about every 10-12 days. I do love paperbacks, but I find that when I’m reading them, more people will stop me to ask what I’m reading than when I’m reading an e-book. Because that’s a pet peeve of mine-to be interrupted while reading-I definitely like the privacy an e-reader provides. However, the biggest reason I love e-books is because I know I’m a book hoarder and having everything on an e-reader hides that secret!

You are a member of She Reads- an organization that helps women find great books. What is the experience like- helping authors get the word out about books and connecting women with great books?

I love being a member of She Reads. I was hugely honored to have been asked to join the team, and just feel like I’m a part of a really awesome woman’s club. Everyone is so friendly and helpful, and the books we get to read are a-m-a-z-i-n-g! I love how a book of the month will get so much publicity that the Twitter and Facebook feeds blow up with that particular book and author!! It’s a great opportunity for authors to garner a lot of exposure and for them to have reviews on so many fantastic blogs.

What is a book that you LOVED that did not get great reviews?

I had to look through my Goodreads book list to see how each book was rated overall. One that was quite dramatic of a rating: Between You & Me by Emma McLaughlin. I gave the book a 5 star rating, but the overall rating is a 2.87!! It’s a huge variation and I’m not sure why it didn’t get the positive recognition it deserves!

Do you have advice for book bloggers who are just starting their blogs?

1. Don’t hold back-create your blog!! Look at other blogs, read them, and from there-figure out your style. Otherwise, you will be overwhelmed if you wait and see and how you want to format your blog. It will change anyway, as you streamline your blog, so getting started is the hardest part!

2. Buy your domain name!! Nothing is more of a bummer than when you choose a blog name, only to see that someone else already has it.

3. Reach out to other bloggers and network with them. Book bloggers are so helpful, resourceful, and extremely supportive. We all love books and love sharing what we know. So, reach out and don’t be alone!


Want to connect with Lisa? Visit her blog, Facebook and Twitter!

**Editor’s note: Not reading Pride and Prejudice has been a previous #literaryconfession of mine from 2012. I did read it and enjoyed it!



Author Spotlight: Julie Kibler, author of Calling Me Home

calling me home 3

Photo Credit: Author Provided


Yesterday, the interview with Julie Kibler posted. Today, it’s about the fun side of Julie- #literaryconfessions, #literarycrush, and more!


Author Spotlight: Julie Kibler

Julie- who are some of your favorite authors?

As a kid, my favorites were, of course, Laura Ingalls Wilder and Frances Hodgson Burnett. From young adulthood on, I always loved Maeve Binchy and Rosamund Pilcher. In recent years, I’ve been especially engrossed by books written by Chris Cleave, Chris Bohjalian, Elizabeth Berg, and too many others to name. I actually hate to name favorites, because tomorrow I’ll remember a different one and think, “OOPS.”

Do you have any #literaryconfessions?

Many more than I’ll ever admit. Maybe one is that I am a Bronte girl, much more than an Austen girl. I always enjoy movies made from novels by any of them, but I have never made it all the way through a Jane Austen novel! Ack!

Do you have a #literarycrush?

Recently I was painfully, heart wrenchingly in love with Will Traynor, right along with Louisa Clark in Jojo Moyes’ Me Before You. Longstanding crush? Probably Rochester from Jane Eyre. I always seem to fall for the complicated, difficult heroes.

What books have you been looking forward to reading in 2014?

I have a stack of books calling my name, but a few from friends I’m especially looking forward to. Ellen Marie Wiseman’s What She Left Behind is burning up the charts since it released a few weeks ago and I can’t wait to get started. Lydia Netzer’s second novel, How to Tell Toledo from the Night Sky, will be out this summer. I loved Shine Shine Shine! I want to read other books by Rainbow Rowell (I LOVED her YA novel Eleanor & Park in 2013).  I could go on and on.

What was 1 book in 2013 that everyone was buzzing about- but you have not read?

Probably Elizabeth Gilbert’s Signature of All Things. I would like to read it, but haven’t yet.

If you could be best friends with a character from a book- who would it be? And why?

This sounds morbid, but if I’m ever diagnosed with a terminal illness, I hope I’m surrounded by friends such as the characters in Elizabeth Berg’s Talk Before Sleep. Berg has a way of writing characters that just seem to “get” life — and me! I read the things they think and say and nod and smile and say, “Yes.”



*Thanks to Julie for sharing her #literarycrush and #literaryconfessions- among other things! Connect with Julie via Facebook or website!



T Traveling With T pic sign off

Interview with David Deutsch, author of Sh*t Falls Up

sh falls up

Photo Credit: Goodreads

Today I have an interview with David Deutsch, author of Sh*t Falls Up– a chick lit book from the male perspective.

1. Sh*t Falls Up is your first published book (Congratulations, by the way!) As a debut author- how are you using social media to connect with the book community? Have you been able to use social media in a positive way to connect with people who have read your book?

One of my favorite things to do it to connect with people that read my book.  Today, we have so many options to connect with fans, readers and authors.  I think Twitter is the most effective way to connect with everyone and anyone.  It allows people to direct message to ask questions about my book, tell me their favorite parts or just to say hi!   People can follow me or message me @gslacks

I also follow publishers, authors and book lovers.  I enjoy hearing about new books, reading reviews, joking around and chatting with other book lovers.

2. Sh*t Falls Up is described as a romantic comedy/chick lit from a male perspective. I have to ask: Why? Many men write books about murders, mysteries, and the like- not so many write a book like this. What compelled you to write this book?

Very funny!  I didn’t start out trying to write a romantic comedy/chick lit book but as I started writing the novel the characters took on a life of their own and before I knew it they were getting into all sorts of funny romantic situations.  In addition, the main character’s life has all the hallmarks of a chick lit story. My novel tells the story of David from a first person point of view with him focused on finding the right job, his soulmate, fame, friendship and all while living in New York City, tackled in a funny way.


3. How are fans of chick lit reacting to your book? Are they enjoying it? 

 My female fans, that traditionally read chick lit, love the book!  I think it is refreshing to see a male character stumble through the same problems that a female lead character typically experiences in a chick lit novel.  There are strong female characters in Sh*t Falls Up that occupy traditional male roles.  So, the main character has his world turned upside down when it comes to love.  I think my female readers enjoy that role reversal.


4. Do you have a writing space? A writing routine?

 Believe it or not I write at my kitchen table.  Usually with my three year old and my five year old running around.  I think I like chaos or there’s something wrong with me!  When I’m writing a book, I try to write a couple of hours a day, editing my prior day’s work first.



5. Do you have a #literaryconfession?   

My #literaryconfession is that I loved the Hunger Games Trilogy!  Most guys my age aren’t bragging about loving a young adult novel series.  Now that I’m saying this out loud, I think I might be in immediate need of some help.



6. Do you have a #literarycrush?

I have a few #literarycrush(es). I’ve got a crush on Katniss Everdeen.  But more like Katniss when she turns a fictional 30.  I also love most of the femme fatales from whatever Elmore Leonard book I happen to be reading.  And I would probably be attracted to Lisbeth Salander, from The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, if she didn’t scare me so much!

Summary from Goodreads about Sh*t Falls Up:

One morning, David Michaels awakens at his sister’s studio apartment and ponders how it all went wrong for him. Three weeks earlier, he had a beautiful girlfriend, a fabulous sub-let apartment in Manhattan and a seemingly secure job at a top, New York investment bank. After losing everything, including his hair, all he has now is a place to sleep, albeit on a twin-size mattress that he must inflate every night. However, this is better than his other, only true option – returning for a third time to his parent’s house.

David’s life-long aspiration is to be a writer, and he has notebooks filled with stories and ideas. One story – the only story he has published – won him a prize while in law school. Unlucky at love, his friends set him up with a woman who bases her life on insights gained from reality TV, and he reluctantly (and hilariously) joins an online Jewish dating service. Frustrated with his career choice of law, he happily accepts a job as a lowly sales clerk at a women’s shoe store. When he becomes manager, he decides once and for all to regain control of his life. On a daily basis, he shuts himself in his office, keeps the booze flowing and pounds out a short story on the absurdity of his life.

When his short story suddenly garners high acclaim, he is left again to pondering. Does he settle down with his hot, volatile, socialite girlfriend, who helped him get his story published? Or does he pursue a woman whom he believes is his soul mate, though he can’t stop lying to her?

At times, gut-wrenchingly funny, other times, soulful and touching, Sh*t.Falls.Up. places the reader in the mind of a man who does his best thinking on an inflatable air mattress.(

To connect with David Deutsch, please visit his Twitter page.


Bloggers Made of AWESOME: Kerri @ Turn the Page Reviews


bloggers made of awesomeThis week’s AWESOME blogger gets to debut my new blog button (created by yours truly!)

Kerri at Turn The Page Reviews is a member of She Reads!


Bloggers Made of AWESOME: Kerri @ Turn The Page Reviews

Kerri- when did you begin blogging? 

I started blogging in late February of 2013.

How did you come up with the name Turn the Page  Reviews?

Actually it’s a funny story. I tried and tried for a few weeks to come up with a good one, but almost everything I liked was already taken.  So my 12 yr old daughter suggested Turning the Page, which we changed to Turn the Page reviews.  When I get really into a book, my hand has the page ready to turn constantly.


What are your thoughts on blogging today in an ever-changing book-ish world? Are blogs helping other readers connect with good books?

I am amazed everyday at the quality of reviews and posts that I read from my fellow bloggers. I definitely think blogs help people choose books- I know it helps me.


When you are not blogging (or reading!)- what do you like to do?

I just started running-yikes. I did a 5k last week in NYC.  It was amazing.


Do you have any #literaryconfessions?        

I am quick to put away a book if it is not working for me.  This isn’t something I am proud of- I have gone back and read books that I have ended up loving.


Do you have a #literarycrush?

Sirius Black (and of course Mr. Darcy-wouldn’t it be great to find someone that was the two combined?)


What books are you looking forward to reading in 2013?

I am going to try to read some of the books that have been on my TBR- The Secret History, The End of The Affair, Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock.


Any books that you are looking forward to read in 2014?

I haven’t looked that far ahead- any suggestions?


In your opinion, what book has been the best book you have read (so far!) in 2013?

That’s a real hard one, since I feel there have been SO many amazing books out this year- but I did really love the first book I read for the She Reads Book Club- The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow.


You have a beach vacation planned. What are the 3 books that you must bring?

Harry Potter, Pride & Prejudice, and The Lord of the Rings trilogy- I love rereading while I am on vacations, so I can give some attention to the family also.


Are you an e-book or tree book lover? Or does it not matter? 

I prefer a paper book, but am finding it necessary to read some on the e-reader.


You are a member of She Reads- an organization that helps women find great books. What is the experience like- helping authors get the word out about books and connecting women with great books?

It is such a great organization.  They do such a wonderful job of highlighting women authors.  I love their online Book Club selections.


In your opinion, what do you think is more important- a good opening line or an ending that leaves you wanting to discuss the book with everyone?

I think a good opening line, since I need to really be pulled in.


If you could go on a literary road trip- where would you go?

To Hogwarts and Narnia.

Real place?  Then Paris- like Hemingway and Fitzgerald.


Want to connect with Kerri? Visit her blog!

Author Spotlight: Kelly Harms

the good luck girls of shipwreck lane

Today, Kelly Harms is back to reveal her #literaryconfessions and #literarycrush!


Author Spotlight: Kelly Harms


What are some of your favorite books, Kelly?

All the usual suspects in the dead girl canon, and a list as long as my arm amongst the living. It’s nearly all fiction that trips my trigger, with an exception made for the dear departed Laurie Colwin’s Home Cooking.

If you could choose to be a character in a book- who would you choose?

Jane Bennett. I’ve always wondered if it would be possible to be both completely beautiful and completely good. Also: Bingley’s my type, and I’ve already mentioned my interest in owning a big house.

If you were not an author, what would you like to be?

A financial planner. I like telling people what to do with their money. I’m also a fiscal voyeur.

Do you have any #literaryconfessions?

Of course I do! I couldn’t finish Ulysses. I just had to lie down and quit it. I think back on that day as a moment where I chose life.

Do you have a #literarycrush?

Walt Longmire—both on the screen and in the books. Oh my, my, my in his duster coat and clink, clink, clink cowboy boots. Whew.

What is your favorite song?

The Water is Wide. I can play it pretty well on my ukulele.

Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Hot dogs. Baked inside a pretzel. Sold at the mall by surly teens. Dipped in ranch dressing.


*Thanks Kelly Harms for agreeing to the Author Spotlight!


Want to contact Kelly Harms? Find her on Twitter and Facebook or at her website!