{Book Talk With R & T} Interview with Adria J. Cimino, Close to Destiny

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Hey folks! We are back with more Book Talk goodness! You may or may not know that Rhiannon and I are quite fond of Adria Cimino- she’s a tireless supporter of bloggers and her emails are always so nice! (Plus, she can write!)

When we began talking to Adria about this opportunity to have CLOSE TO DESTINY as a Book Talk with R & T choice, we knew we wanted an interview- and Adria, in between all the planning and preparation for THAT’S PARIS (plus her CLOSE TO DESTINY planning) was so kind to give us one!

So, read on for more info about Adria:

Adria, we (Rhiannon and I) are SO excited to have you answer some questions! Thanks so much!

Thank you so much, Tamara and Rhiannon, for featuring me this week. It’s always a pleasure to visit your blogs!


Your previous novel, Paris,Rue des Martyrs, was set in Paris (where you currently reside) and South America. Your latest novel, Close to Destiny, is set in London. Did you travel to London or research the city for details?


I used to travel to London on business, spending brief periods of time there as does Kat, the main character in Close to Destiny. So, based on my own glimpses of London, I was able to create the perspective of someone who is an outsider looking in. As for the part of the story set in New York City, which is Kat’s home… Well, I’ve spent a lot of time wandering the streets of New York City so the research was done long ago!


What two novels would you say Close to Destiny is a cross between?

I wish I could answer that question, but from my perspective as the author, I find it so difficult to find parallels between my work and the work of other writers! I can say the predominant element in Close to Destiny is the quest for one’s identity (one of my favorite themes). As for style, I’ve used magical realism, adding another dimension to the novel.


Not only are you an author, you are also one half of the team that created Velvet Morning Press. How do you balance the roles of mom/author/publishing/promotion of books via Velvet Morning Press?

Thankfully, when co-founder Vicki Lesage and I started Velvet Morning Press, I had already written Close to Destiny and had a third novel completed as well. So I could devote a bit less time to writing in the first few months of business. Now, I try to set aside times of the day for certain tasks and try to stick to that schedule. I also have the “luxury” of working late in the evenings or over the weekends when necessary. My daughter is only four, but sometimes she’ll sit down with her paper and crayons and work on “her book” while I work on mine!


Did this story come to you all at once or did one scene come to you first and you worked from there?

It actually started as a feeling. The hotel in the novel exists, under a different name and description, and my observations there inspired certain bits and pieces of the story. Like my main character, Kat, when I walked through the halls of this modern, pristine place, I somehow felt as if I were the only person staying there. Yet from afar, I would hear laughter coming from a room, or see a lone martini glass left on an end table. The halls seemed mazelike… And it was then that I asked my wild imagination the question “What if?” At that point, Kat and her mysterious late-night visitor came to me, revealing their stories… I’m most often inspired by one real life experience, even a minor one, and then a completely new story will unfold.


When I think of a writer living in Paris, I imagine you sitting at cafes with your laptop drinking cappuccinos. How close is this to your writing routine?

If only that could be my daily routine. Maybe one day! At this point, it’s getting my daughter off to preschool, then I have some writing and/or editing time. By afternoon, I’m on to handling various marketing tasks, replying to emails, handling social media etc. And that continues on to the evening. From time to time, I’ll go down to the café for a drink and to scribble thoughts into a notebook, or Vicki and I will meet to talk business at a café—and then I feel like I’m living the Parisian literary life, at least for a few moments!


Let’s talk about book bloggers: Do you have any tips for authors on how to approach a book blogger for review?

Yes, absolutely. Prior to writing fiction full time and starting Velvet Morning Press, I was a full-time journalist and often had to approach PR people. So as an author, I apply the same rules:

Contact a blogger by her/his name (never say “Dear Blogger”), respect a blogger’s review policy, be familiar with a blogger’s blog so you have an idea of what sorts of books she/he might be interested in, and finally, never “attack” a blogger if she/he didn’t like your book. Always thank the blogger for taking the time to read your work—after all they’re doing this for free!


Is your next novel in the works? 

I have a third novel written and am working on a fourth. I’m hoping to have the edits done on No. 3 so it will be ready for publication in fall/winter 2015. Stay tuned!

Close to Destiny cover

Photo Credit: Provided by Author



Now that you know a bit more Adria- be sure and check out her social media: Facebook and Twitter.

As always- give my Book Talk co-partner, Rhiannon @ Ivory Owl Reviews, a virtual wave!

Happy Reading and Bookishly Yours,

Book Talk With R & T

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